Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Some things about what I'm doing now

Hmm. Let's see, currently I"m in Brunei on my overseas postings which I volunteered.I'm serving my National Service (NS).

Now Seriously Brunei isn't such a bad place baring of course certain things. Things like there isn't much of a night life to speak of, life is pretty much quiet and slow.
Now all things considered there are some things which is very different from my home of Sunny Singapore.
For one thing, there is a transport known as water taxi which is a heck of faster than the convectional transport. They use the expressways of water along the rivers to transport goods, people and also items of import and export. One thing here is that the bus services and the water taxis are closed off at 1630, meaning not running, and that the taxis here go by a quotatation system. All in all it's pretty fine here.

Here next is the people around here. Well there are the Ibans and typically there are things associated with them that can be found here such as their long house which is really loooong.... Now overall the peoiple are pretty much decent and friendly but then again compared to Sunny Singapore there are things to note.
One here the peolpe are typical of the 'Kampung life' unlike the Singoprean style of life which exposes unpleasant facts of life. Here the people do take care of themselves and their neighbours : Note I'm stressing the word neighbours here. sometimes the closest neighbours to be found is about 3-7 km away. Not that it's all bad considering that due to my limited stay in Brunei I noticed that well almost everyone owns a car. Some Own Boats........
Maybe it's me but there seems to lack a certain togetherness here? Well when I go back for my home leave, I'll just find out. Certainly my eyes have indeed being opened although maybe not tha tmuch but be assured they have being opened.

Oh yeah LAN shops cost $1 to surf/game. Preety cool and probabely a consolation of sorts. Will describe the Mountain next............


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