Saturday, August 21, 2004

Birthday Wishes

Well I thought I'd delicate this section to Birthdays cause It seems alot of birthdays to me, falls during this date.

So Happy 21st Birthday to Winnie Chiam's XiuTing.. This is one great gal I met in Polytechnic. Intelligent and easy to get along. Enjoy and many happy returns of the day. LOL

A Happy Birthday to Choong Yen Nee, Unless I remembered wrongly She took part in the Miss Singapore 2004 Competittion and although I dun noe what result she got cause I was on duty.... I'd say she did good.

If there are any others I haven't mentioned it's probably because I sorta deleted the mail I received from Birthday reminder....sori so I'll add you guys in as soon as I can err....find them back...

Cheap Ad:::

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

New Appointments.

I've got a new appointment and it's not exactly turning out very well as I'm still new at it and mistakes are bound to happen. But with my luck and close association with Murphy, especially Murphy's Law. Well Probably spectacular screw-ups.

I also would like to wish a friend of mine Happy Birthday which is coming soon on the 15th of Oct. So here's a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and wishing ya many happy returns of the day to my little 'sis', Lindy.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Happy Birthday Singapore

What Can I Say?? Just take a look at the title and it says it all.

Happy Birthday to my country of Birth. Oh yeah I got a new appointment aand I'm on guard duty again.

Will update more often if possible. Kudos.

Nuff Said...........

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Different Plans

Well looks like I'm developing a patten here. If I'm online it most probabely means I"m doing Guard Duty or I'm on my Off. How to tell this minor itty-bitty detail is simply to look at the time of my post as these would be a general good indicator of where I am or was.

I've learnt that my plans for my hom,e leave has changed though Im not too happy with it...First things first I can only come back from the 24th Dec 04 -1st Jan 05. Can't come back on the 11th cause there's no flight back. Sad man. well it looks like I can't go for any birthday parties before that date. Bummer man. Sorry.

Nothing else much other than the epidemic of stink bugs seems to have lessened considerably of late maybe they would be gone after a few more days..hopefully.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Stink Bug Invasion

This is the latest report coming in regarding the latest irritant to the camp personal which is literally raising the stink. The source and cause of the camp's obvious distress are insidous little bugs known as Stink Bugs. These little creatures have arrived in swarms of thousands as they seek to probabely stink up the entire area whereever they go to. This new invasion is the follow up season after the Cicada and Moth seasons respectivitly.
Stink Bugs as their names connots, stink. Being scattered over all the place, especially near the lights,they have being trodden on, sprayed with insecticide, burnt and even boiled but they still return day after day. The first sightings of these dimunitive yet numerous pests was about 6 days ago shortly after a marked reduction in the numbers of the moths.
Apparently the camp would be typically be under seige by various insects armies with the likes of the above mentioned insect regiments and others regiments such as ants, mantis and probabely other insects yet to be revealed. More to be revealed when more infomation is recovered.

Lately the price of overseas calls on Handphones has being proving to be quite high thus there is now a short survey and test on using alternative calls such as the local lines or a pre-paid card. More reports will be done on this interesting development as it is now underway even as this report is brought to you straight from SAF Lakiun Camp.

------------------------End of News Report----------------------------------

Thought I would do something different for this time round. Enjoy Lol.

P.S: Maybe coming back on the 11th of Dec.