Thursday, April 13, 2006

Given Thoughts

It's said that having a goal to always earn more cash is good.
How much cash is enough?
When you earn enough cash to meet all expenses and have enough leftover. One would always have the tendency to splash on oneself. It's natural. What happens then most of the time is that one will get used to higher spending limit and before you know it, it adds to the expenses column for no other reason than it's there.
I got word from a colleague that he's leaving for a much higher pay and the company is intending to buy him over. Now granted he's already worked for a year but hey my little sister earns more cash than me......

Here's a simple comparsion;
Work 2 days Offf 1 day.
Monthy salary: 1700+ with CPF, without commission.

Now how 'su' is that?
Work 5days week.
Monthy salary: 1000 with CPF

Ok granted that hers is a sales line compared to mine which is like office desk job, the difference is incredible. Based on just what is to be done makes me consider if I should just jump ship and go into that line instead if just for the cash value alone. Work wise, the load is about the same but the salary is a marked difference and most of the time responsibility is higher on my end. Sian.......

I want to study and yet I'm limited by this job. I have to admit that I was too hasty when I signed the dotted line and being too worried that I would not have any job offers. I received a few actually and I swear I could kick myself multiple times when I see the terms offered. Much better salary and perks and achieve more too. Now what is it I want? On one hand I dun wish to be seen as a job hopper but I know I cannot be truly happy doing what I am now. I know relying on one plan is never good and I usually plan for more but time is against me actually.

To give myself allowance to see if I am really suited for the job leaves me decisively undecided. I know when I look within I can't have it both ways but it doesn't me I can't stop trying. Anyway Techno music is indeed therapeutic in its own way. Oh well. Sometimes all I can do is bury and shove it somewhere until I can deal with it more objectively.

On a further note, I'm crazy and I decided to go for a new game. Just to see how it goes.


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