Monday, April 10, 2006

OK weekend.

Alright the weekend has come and gone. I had a pretty relaxing one chilling with Shai, Kenneth, Elliot and Francis. Ha ha ha. I shall proclaim 2 of them as Withdrawals. One of love and the other of girls. Long story. Didn't give swimming lessons on Sat cause of threatening weather. Had a pretty hilarious DnD session in PI. Received news that we'd having new ppl join in for Sunday's DnD session. Am considering whether should I start playing DnD minis but must consider expenses. It's the balance of Want and Need again I guess.

I happened to comment on a blog of a friend and well got an email started exchanging small talk. Oh well better start adding blog links. lol I read a few but never really bothered to link them. Afterall this is a blog that should remain incognito afterall.

It's monday again and I'm blogging pretty early relativitely. Who knows it may just be peaceful Monday Blues day. :P
Oh yeah am addind in Nadia's blog links. lol


Blogger nadnut said...

hello stalker. :)

9:30 PM  

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