Monday, March 27, 2006

Sighs and More Sighs

It's March and after my birthday. I'm older but sure as heck ain't any wiser. I got a job but it remains how long can I take it in this. I tried Sales, Events, Camp Coordination, swimming and now IT but if there's anyone confused, it's me. I tried to find wat i truely want to do and for my career, I narrowed it down to a few choices and I will not list them as I got the feeling it has the "subject to changes" clause in it.
Ok I'm doing fine so far in this new job of mine. It's a contract for 1 yr and well it's' for a pretty well known company so I'm sure it'll be nice to look at on my resume. The place is nice and well students and teachers are well nothing extraodinary. Yes I work in a school so I'm not lying when I say : "I'm going to school now." or "I go to school everyday." An idiotic way of phrasing yet somewhat hilarious as the implications of what I said hits home and different people start getting different answers. It's a laugh I tell you sometimes. Here's some questions or replies I received in return;
"Oh you're a teacher." <---Ok No sane parent or school would let me teach. I don't see myself as a teacher...............seriously.
"What Course are you taking???" <--------I seriously wish I was studying at times. Need to keep up with the times you know.
"How Old are you?" <---After finding out the school is a secondary school. lol. I don't need to take my O' Levels again thank you very much. Once is more than enough.

Nothing much nor eventful. I heard quite a few love stories so far and *prepares large smelly fish with 9 foot tongs* and should anyone even hints of somethingthat I should do something about my deficient love life would receive this action-> /me smacks with a large smelly fish.
Heh heh Heh. A throw back when MIRC was hot. Now it's I dun noe what is hot now. I'm still on MSN. Any new fangled IMs out there somehow?

I received a damper to my mood today. I Opened my E-Mail and wah lau weh. Received 1x very nice mail. It's a reservist email informing of my Reservist in June. Yes Sirree it's this June and the best thing is It's not even my unit instead it's somewhere damm far. I live East and I report for my Reservist in the West. Excellent work from our Guys there. Got to love my life. Sux so baaddddd that I create a mini blackhole where ever I go.

Yeap THat's life. You come up against something, you deal with it the best way u know how. It just may not be the best solution sometimes. On that note, It's time to hit the work again until my next blogging. lol
I'm really behind, definitely need to update somemore.


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