Saturday, June 18, 2005

Flowers, of Numbers and color

(Ahem. This disclaimer is to show that I’m not against the spirit of flower giving nor is it having anything against flowers or florist in general.)

Of color

They say White Roses show respect
But what kind respect do you want?
That of a parent? A elder? As kin? As family? Close friend? A lover?
For yourself or your accomplishments?
How about self respect?

Red Roses are meant to represent passion
But it doesn’t mean to be passionate about someone doesn’t it?
I can be equally passionate on my cars, computers or models
It could be my work or simply finding meaningful things to do
You can find passion anywhere or just about in anything

Yellow Roses are to show envy
So I should use this to show a friend I’m envious of his life
Spread the word that I’m jealous
Oh yeah! I’m jealous that you found someone better than me.
Awesome. Spread the word………

Red and White is for reconciliation
So for passion and respect to come together
You hope for a reconciliation?
Go fly a kite, easier to get lightning strike
What are you doing letting go in the first place?

(Another disclaimer where I will claim having no knowledge what all this actually means. It’s meant only for fun nothing else. Nothing serious. Honest)

Of Numbers

One Stem = Only One
If one is for just you, why am I deemed stingy?

Two Stem = World of 2 people
Apparently you want one big happy family. Isn’t two of us already cosy enough?

Three Stem = I Love You
Yeah I know it’s easier to give this then say it.

Four Stem = Undying Promise
A commitment just to you and to no one else, just how many guys you see give this anyway? (Other than the pricing problems.)

Five Stem = No Regrets
No comment on this one except as above

Six Stem = Happiness and Satisfaction
Let’s face it. This because the florist is HAPPY to sell something and we are SATISFIED to get something which we think is bound to make you happy at a good price.

Seven Stem = Endless Good Wishes
Guys let’s not go into this one. We’ll never live up to this and we certainly don’t want to be found lacking.

Eight Stem = Please Forgive Me
I didn’t mean it. What ever I did to make you mad anyway.

Nine Stem = Eternity
I’m yours forever as long as your eyes are on me that is.

Ten Stem = Perfection
You are perfect no matter how you look or what you do. (Besides you won’t take no for an answer)

Eleven Stem = One Heart, One Mind
When it comes to this stage, it means you know all my thoughts and movements. I surrender and live all future planning to you.

Twelve Stem = Heart to Heart
The sweetest time when I first met you and we didn’t know each other (well enough then)


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