Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Waves about money, value of lives and commendations

I’ve being out for some time and on the day I come back I’m under a sudden deluge of news about this entire disaster that came without warning and took the shine from the new year. One that took many lives and couldn’t be stopped nor was its warning heeded. It brought about countless pages in printed ink about the misery it caused, the heroism that arose, the inspiration that came about and the controversy it caused. Newspapers all over the world brought news about it to all over the globe. Front lines, front pages carried on for many days and all about just one thing. Yes the tsunami disaster brought up nature’s terrible power and also Perhaps one of Man’s finest hours. It teaches you respect for Nature’s Wrath and gives one hope and inspiration for Man.

It came without warning and devastasted what was an idllylic popular holiday resort. It smashed up homes, familes and hope. Thousands lost their homes and many lives were lost to its merciless waves. Survivors mourn their lost kin, friends and what was once their homes. The trauma that will follow in such a devastating aftermath will be great and already experts say that some will need many months of counseling. Some they say……In my humble opinion ‘some’ is an understatement.
Grief is splashed in the papers showing the pain the survivors have to go through. Here you have stories of how the waves washed away many a family, driving a darkness into light of families, the taking away of father, mother, brother, sister, children or worst leaving one of two survivors of the entire family. Stories of a child who doesn’t know his mother will never smile at him again. A child who doesn’t understand that his mother is gone and would never come back like the way she used to after work. You have a parent’s heartbreak at having to make a choice of choosing whom to save and still hope for the best only to have it cruelly shattered to pieces on discovery of said child. A father’s grief at failing to save his beloved children or a husband’s lament at failing to save his wife. Children mourn their lost parents remembering their parents’ last great act, sacrificing themselves to save them. Many remembered and many are still coming to terms with their grief

There are stories of heroes that decided to a make a difference and give aid even when it did not concern or threaten them. These people along with those in the affected areas are all heroes in that they chose to help with or without support and to you all I salute. Giving comfort, clearing wreckage, sending food and setting up makeshift homes. All these people from all over the world joined hands to give aid to those who needed that helping hand. These people gave their well wishes and showed their concern through the aid sent and volunteers who flew in to the affected countries. Military forces from Singapore were sent in as part of relief efforts and elsewhere similar efforts are being made and sent where they’ll do best. To provide food and medicine for so large a number is not easy and is the sheer numbers makes it’s a daunting task but it’s a task the relief forces have taken and done well. All efforts are underway to search for survivors and to provide shelter, food and whatever other aid necessary.

There is one thing that mars the rescue effort though in my humble opinion and perhaps I cannot understand this.
Monetary donations.

Why can this be an issue? Is there some hidden agendas of countries in wanting to show how much money they can give? I thought donations honestly were given as to how much was given was up to the giver. However that wasn’t the case, countries that gave too little aid were criticized for giving too little, and the smaller countries complain indirectly that bigger countries with more $$$ are bullies. There are also subtle words being thrown around that the money given were actual proven indicators of a countries status. One country in particular who is a growing power was shamed into giving more only because a ‘renegade’ providence actually gave more in the beginning. Arab countries gave more when the west decided to say something about their contribution. Is there something I’m missing? Are countries actually using this entire episode of human suffering as a stage for political gain?? Tell me I’m wrong because according to the papers I read this seems t be the case. I dare say I’m not alone in saying this. Why is it the countries must compare the amount they can give? Is there some kinda of ranking that says how much a country can give in order to showcase their status? Is it maybe those countries that gave more initially were unhappy that they were parting with more cash than their perceived ‘richer’ neighbors or were they righteously angry about the cheapskate nature of said countries. I may never know simply because I’m just a simple man in the street or that I didn’t bother to find out.

All in all that’s all I have to say on the tsunami and my condolences to all who are affected. I’ll try to follow more on this and I offer my apologies if I have offended any with my opinions.
Till next time. Kudos <>


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