Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Superficial, Superb, Scuttled

Have you ever had a day that you wake up too with a sense of forbidding? A day where you just cannot shake off even though you don’t remember having made any appointment, promises or anything resembling a schedule? A day where everything just cannot be salvaged rendering any effort to do so futile?

Well congrats to me I just had such a day. Absolute rubbish day to go and end, even on a beautiful morning……..especially on a beautiful morning.

Most of these feelings are now mostly negative……..hey don’t expect optimistic thoughts here. This is a rant. A RANT………… They were also cause by people whether directly or indirectly. Loose cannons who blast without disregard of what they say although a great many things pointed out by them in this way was also pointed out and admitted by them for their own transgression. Not only that, they are puffed up so full of themselves, sometimes you wonder why they don’t burst with all that hot air. Here’s an answer for you which is typical of a world dominated by superiority of perceived experience of the world. These people seem to fail to notice the discrepancy. Well kudos to them.

When something goes wrong, you delegate to the those lower life forms ranking below you. When something looks up, you also delegate but to yourself and all those higher up. Ironic that the results tend to be something lower life forms do but seldom get the credit for. When something goes wrong, blame the small guy even if he followed instructions to the t. this is reality. Harsh reality.

Sure the apologies are forth coming as well as attempts to justify their words or actions. Too bad the damage is done. Wounds done on the body can heal but wounds done to the inner psyche seldom do and do so slowly.

There are those who wants to go by the book and will do so to the extreme with no bends in rules or ability to relent or reconsider a certain action. These dumb asses then expects others to be cut some slack get real.
There are those who are the mighty judges and would try to impose their superiority whenever they can. Peacocks they are but sometimes they can back it up with their experience however they are too set to see another point especially if it contradicts their own.
There are those who instantly want to show that they are the boss and would try to take leadership roles as fast as possible and in the meantime bash down the opposition. These little bugs would show their displeasure without considering the reason and if there is, shoot it down with everything they have.
There are the lecturers of life who would regale you with incredible stories of their life experience and follow up with some cock and bull reason meant to be the moral of their just concluded story. The truth? Nothing related or have the slightest bearing on the topic. Nuff said.
There are others who are the downtrodden who find other ways to relieve their stress or repress and bottle everything within them or finding ways to vent them though in not so direct ways.
Also remember first impressions are very important as you will always be judged on it. So to mislead, screw it up but be prepared to face the consequences as they’ll be hard to change.

End of rant.

Nothing on the topic that happened nor any reason why it did. This is after all a rant. After all who really wants to talk about what happened. Just made me unhappy that’s all. Nothing to it.


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