Thursday, September 01, 2005

Amazing Things I should Have seen (or best not Have)

Woah. Check out how long have I not even thought of this little space of public thoughts. I went back to Sweet home Singapore from the 1st of august to the 16th and guess what I didn’t really get out that much. Reason? Let me give you a very good reason where almost all guys can or will sympathize.

It is one word. A somewhat dreaded word.


Gives you shivers eh? I had to run some errands during my all too short holiday in Singapore and let’s just leave it as that.

I brought back my PS2 which I had brought to save myself from the horrors of boredom and the tedious task of finding myself entertainment. The friendly neighborhood wildlife can only give you so much entertainment.
I would also like to add in a disclaimer here now that I did not kill or hurt any of the natural wildlife in my environment for the sake of entertainment. I did not do it.

Naturally I left it back home. I felt having a few months left in Brunei and the chances of then using it being so slim, I could qualify for a sliming centre advertisement, it would be pointless lugging it around between the two countries.

Now I’m buying back games so that this lazy writer would not have to go and buy anymore games. It also means that with the release of the new PS3 makes my PS2 go under the obsolete category. Never mind. It’s my entertainment.

I do moan that being away from home for so long that some friendships seem strained to the point that sieves seem more akin to it than any solid friendship. I guess that there are some things I would take for granted and ever bothered to take it out and maintain it. All that lack of polishing took the shine of the precious artifact called friendship.

Coming back to hell, being that this place is affectionately called that, I would have the luck to work on a project with I shall politely call Jackass to preserve a somewhat PG rating on this. Seriously views on the SAF are based on who you had worked with effecting whether you leave with good views or the bad. Unfortunately I think I would be leaving with the bad. It is said One bad apple spoils the barrel. Well it is true. Sadly true.

Oh yeah before I forget. I have being so called spamed. The offending article will be deleted lol.


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