Friday, July 22, 2005

An end and a Beginning (Lull to Frame)

A starting for a title with 3 ‘Ns’ is not a bad start. Its being a long lull and things are starting to pick up. Things were already starting to heat up way before the New Frame started. Tensions were rising for some inexplicable reasons and fists were more likely to be used then the more peaceful methods. Also I can look forward to this current frame, mainly because I’m going back to sweet, sweet Singapore. Yes on 020705 is when I’ll step back on the soil I was born. Sweetness!!!! Yeah!!!

Aside on taking a C-130 back home, I’m still glad to be back home. Truth to tell I was getting homesick and I seriously missed being back home. I miss my family and friends and I was getting mind rot. A new condition I have diagnosed on myself as the result of probably staying here in Brunei too long. On another thought I have got to wonder what I’d actually do once I’d get back home. There’s so many things I wanna and some stuff I intend to buy. Going back only on 160705 if all goes well and only if my expected home leave is as it was forecasted.

Recently I heard that there was this bloggers convention and it was impressive from the scattered accounts I heard. We do have a sizable amount of bloggers who are willing to come forth and be known. Needless to say It’s a chance to see all those who were unknown although from the ST newspaper I’m aware that getting to know each other could be awkward being that we are still in the process of being more free with being open with complete strangers. This I believe would come naturally given time. It’s also a chance to meet with the blogsphere’s more popular residents and as well as take pictures with them for posterity. Lol I suppose being known does have it perks and downsides I suppose.

Well cheers on to more blogging abject responsible ones of course.


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