Thursday, April 06, 2006

Screw up Somemore

Oh great. Good intentions backfired.

I updated according to SOP(Standard Operating Procedure) on a com belonging to a clerk at school. Turns out she had to use an application that only accepts connections from computers with WIN XP service pack 1. I updated it to service pack 2......................

Now I'd got to go clone it over to service pack 1 again. For those who dun understand the technical terms it's ok. Bottom line is "I Screwed up!!!!!!".

So now tmr I'd got to unleash a miracle within 15 mins. Can be done but I sure as hell would be rushing like mad to do it.

Stupid system!! How to say must have latest updates and yet refuse those who did update. Ridiculous and oxymoron to go about it. Because of this one little thing, the computer which handles some of the most sensitive data;
  1. Cannot be updated.
  2. Vunerable to hacks or errors due to not having any security updates.
  3. Has no way to encrypt data because it doesn't support encryption.

Marvellous... Simply Marvellous.

Another thing: I received my handphone bill and was shocked. I usually spend a conservative 30+ bucks. Guess what I went into the 200+ range. Shocked man. This job I realised actually has hidden costs. Cannot make it but it's still too early to draw such conclusions so I decided I'd observe for another month and see how.
Another bummer. I got Reservist training in June. It's barely Half a year since I ORD and I got reservist. This sux big time. How to keep things up if SAF butts in and decides they want ya to undergo training??? Worst thing is it's a 5 day ICT (In Cam Training). Sian man I tell you. Not my unit and I'm the only one from the platoon going over to this seemly overly garang camp. IPPT and dun noe what else to be inflicted. Think about it already low morale. Heck I got the feeling I'd just fail IPPT on low morale.
lol. Plenty of excuses but I needed some place to whine about it no matter how uncharacteristic of me. I should leave the whining to people who are off a higher level then me to do it.

On a good note. Weekend is coming soon so I'll be playing in the water, mood bad enough and I may just take up Shaisy's offer to go for a swim. :)


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