Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Uneven day... Yeah right

Now today was a pretty laidback day. Drag respective a** out of bed and got down to school early. Now this didn't really help sweeten my mood so wat I did was imagine I was going swimming after doing or during one of Seal's events.

Now this helped somewhat but on the way to school today. I saw a classic case of molest, I mean in a bus full of people this one guy brazenly put his hand on this poor female student's chest. Said student must have being in a shock judging by her face and the worst thing?
People all around her just looked. I mean is this kinda of thing so common that the people taking their regular bus are now so jaded that they could ignore this? Ok maybe the surrounding people were in shock, thinking that the guy is her horny boyfriend or something else altogether. Well I'd say horny yes. Boyfriend, by her expression and the shocked expressions on what I surmised may be classmates by uniforms, I'd say no.

Well Like I mentioned, I wasn't in a good mood exactly so I may not be thinking properly so I did what I thought should be done. I raised a scene....................Fat lot of help it did. The guy leered at me, replied rather flippantly (I'd spare the details) and ignoring the now current surrounding glares of the people in the bus proceeded to try and repeat what he did earlier. I say try.............Well I should Stressed try. My next action kinda surprised me but like I say I blame errr lack of sleep, morning blues, lack of brain cells awake, hormones, etc.

Oh another thing. He was just beside me. Accidents do happen that's why you have insurance to cover the unforeseen ya know.

I lost control of my fist somehow and it punched him. Nearby passengers 'accident's' kicked him out of the door when the bus driver 'stepped' on the brakes and 'accidently' got the door to open. Out flew the sack of garbage but I must feel sorry for him somewhat and must pay my respects to the 5 girls whose respective feet struck unerringly at a, let us claim a sensitive anatomy here, ending this brief little scene. (I take back what I said on people being unresponsive, They just may have the same condition in the morning).

Reaching school, prepared the lab and had pretty much an uneventful day. Not bad for a typical day.


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