Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Peachy Just Peachy

Today isn't a very good day for me.

Well can it, I have had pretty good day yesterday......I only had to run a couple of flights of stairs to assist computers. Note I said computers and not people. Why? They seem to have lost their brains recently and these are teachers to rub it in. They attended the briefing and still don't know what to do. I could grumble all day but hey in the end it's isn't really their fault. sigh.

Met Shai and Hua for dinner yesterday. Talked a little then Hua left. Window Shopped a little and met Kenneth. lol. Ok talked a little on Shaisy's little problem n well let's leave it as that. ok on to the story, window shopped abit more then went home to do some stuff. still waiting for little bro shaisy to send me some interesting stuff. *snicker* I reserve the right to call u shaisy since u said I was the older bro however that came about lol.

Ok on for today. Spent the entire day in the lab to prepare it for an important briefing but guess what..................Nice Word..............

Excellent. Nuff said. Square one anyone? Yep this sucks. Now I managed to do double time in preparing another lab but i need to get to school early just to make sure everything is good. yep sometimes Life realllllyyy sux.

My life seems routines now lol.
Monday - Friday: Go to school
Saturday: Swim followed by Hilarious D&D @ PI or something else.
Sunday: D&D with YY and some others or maybe with some changes.

Yep if my life was a movie, it wouldn't be released not like that advertisement lol.

On another note;
Yoz Shaisy dun put yourself in a pressure cooker, life's fine as it is. Live it to the fullest and if stuff (s**t) happens then it happens. Just whack it somewhere low and and go take a bow. :)
Hearts and Minds are one and the same yet different. They always agree and disagree. Have fun bro, relax and take it easy.


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