Saturday, August 21, 2004

Birthday Wishes

Well I thought I'd delicate this section to Birthdays cause It seems alot of birthdays to me, falls during this date.

So Happy 21st Birthday to Winnie Chiam's XiuTing.. This is one great gal I met in Polytechnic. Intelligent and easy to get along. Enjoy and many happy returns of the day. LOL

A Happy Birthday to Choong Yen Nee, Unless I remembered wrongly She took part in the Miss Singapore 2004 Competittion and although I dun noe what result she got cause I was on duty.... I'd say she did good.

If there are any others I haven't mentioned it's probably because I sorta deleted the mail I received from Birthday reminder....sori so I'll add you guys in as soon as I can err....find them back...

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