Friday, November 26, 2004

A Sai Kang Welcome

OK this one is a combined blog to make things easier on me.

Well it’s being some while but I’ve being busy. The flight that brought me back to dreary old jolly Brunei was Royal Brunei Airlines and the truth to say after having sat Singapore Airlines is, they ,to be politically correct, not as high a standard as the latter. Service delivered by the pleasant air crew and the menu of the food isn’t so bad but hey to compare with my experience on Singapore Airlines, I’d say that SIA is better. Then again I’m not the one to buy the air tickets as the trip back was paid by SAF, it could be worse……..I could be flying in a C-130 back to Brunei. Ahhh found my flight and some of my camp mates I’d be going back with.. Seems like it’s time to say goodbye to Changi Airport and thus Singapore. Goodbye home.

Back in Brunei, I found myself missing my friends but to be ruthless I had to quash it down reminding myself I could come back again after 3 months. I could not be distracted lest dwelling too long on it would not be beneficial. Of course reminiscing after a while couldn’t hurt. I did enjoy my brief leave back in Sunny Singapore and the fun I had while there but I had to prepare myself back for work and boy did work come my way.

Therein lies the title, no sooner did I get back to my ‘lovable’ camp then was I literally bombarded with some request to do up some charts for my station. Job? Quite Simple actually Just make it presentable. Unfortunately it was more than that as I ended redoing it lol. This was to make sire that the whole thing would actually be according to a superiors’ satisfaction. The whole thing put a test on my patience as I didn’t really have any talent at the Arts & Craft since I failed the subject when young. Some people are good at some things while they are just as bad at others. I’m no exception. Art is one of my Bane.

Work aside, I set myself to doing some tasks. Namely buying of gifts for my family and friends whom I had quite abit of doing since I think their different gifts lay in different areas. Also abit of correspondences was in order. Hmmm THINK about it.. heh heh.

Sigh my close association with Murphy’s Law strikes again. During my guard duty and I was the Guard Commander, I had some things to deal with, namely one drunk guard and a guard who fell asleep on duty. The resulting issues that arose was very irritating to say the least but it was all relatively light on me other than not able to get a decent sleep for a short while. I can only hope that the others gets off lightly. Also it was during this time that I decided to submit an application to extend my tour in Brunei. It’s now a matter of time to fill it up, submit and await the results. I believe I would not regret it but I’m being told some people do change their minds. The truth is I wish to earn more cash to prepare for further studies and also because I do not have any emotional anchors or any other distractions so I believe I will not have any problems.

I do not think I have anything much to say for this date simply because I’m writing this in advance and I hoped to make it simple. I’m on official duty and I’m just gonna do it and not anything else excepts get a few groceries. Yeah I’ll just wing it. lol

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Warhammer and Laptop

LOL..... I had a little look-see in Orchard when I went down to take a look at my favourite hobby:


I'm glad I did that cause I felt a little something out of place was needed to snap me out of being a melodramatic mood. I came down while a game was being played and standing there at the table commenting and watching brought some peace. Perhaps the symtoms of wackiness in that place sorta brought back good memories. God Knows I'd need it. OF course the walk down Orchard road, passing by lotsa pretty girls could have done the trick. One can get starved of the simple sights like that if one stayed too long in Brunei.
Now Hopefully I can get back for my next trip home in maybe 3-6 months. I'm still undecided on whether I'd would extend my stay in Brunei. Maybe I'd decide when I go back. The money is good and I'm unattached, Seriously I have got nothing solid to anchor me. Who knows.

And Now Introducing a little vanity of mine, Something I bought when I was back to help me pass the time in Brunei.

It has:
512 RAM
ATI 9700 64MB Graphics Card
15" Wide Screen
DVD Writer
Price: $$2700
SO Yeah I'm kinda showing off by writing this down but hey Like I said before and I know most people who owns a blog would agree. My New Laptop. It sounds good so I'm writing this down again or typing which tickles your fancy. Myyyy Neeewww Laptop. :P
IT's MY BLOG. So there. Disclaimers and all the legal blah blah blah applies.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Rain and A little Sunshine

Ok Let's see about the order.

12th Nov I'm coming home to Singapore
Before that Some bad things, namely disasters.

Before my trip home, there was an incident that involved a training unit. Said unit lost a couple of things and really shook up the whole program. There were even rumors going around that none of the per staff personnel were going back. Thankfully not all was true, I was fortunately one of those able to go back but I do feel for those who were to stay back thus missing their Hari Raya Holiday.
Oh yes before I forgot. A Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslim Friends.

Now to put a slight damper on my mood to coming back, the generator that we used for the station died on me and to make things worse, I had to write out a darn statement. Of course add into the mix certain b******* who by virture of their thoughtless tongues would add fire and salt into wounds if not creating them outright. Said Idiots would seem to fail to see their own faults but enough about it. I'm coming Home. Nothing could break it. After 6 months I'm coming Home. This sentence said it all and it raised up my spirits considerably after all It's Home sweet Home Singapore.

Now coming back home was a short joke, I nearly overslept and had to check in my luggage as hand luggage but I'm going home so a smile and do it attitude was all there. The flight was pretty much uneventful and the words coming from the speaker "Welcome Back to Singapore" said it all.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Home Sweet Home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mission 1: Buy a laptop
Mission 2: Buy whatever things I might need , etc powder
Mission 3: Catch up with old friends.
Sounds pretty easy eh.
Ahh the naivety of it all. Is it me that the thinking is way off. 2 groups of friends I met and already I felt more a stranger than I ever met when I was in Brunei. COuld be after being out of touch so long I was really out of the loop? Perhaps I needed more to time to get readjusted after all Brunei Jungles do not help in develooping social skills. No scorpians and other wildlife do not make interesting subjects both in conversations or conversation topics. Serious.
On the other hand, I saw what every hot-blooded male would miss. Girls. Girls Girls
Simple put: Girls, More girls and even more girls.
Fat, Thin, Round, Square, Small, Big...........All the various sizes, colours and shapes.
Hey it beats insects,animals and trees. At least some resemblance to normal civilised city life. lol
Now this is more or less updated. except perhaps for one more thing.
A birthday Greeting for this month. :)
So what If the said person doesn't read it. It's my Blog ;>
So there You have it:
It is Eddie Lim's birthday on Sunday November 7th.
Eddie will be 21 years old.