Friday, September 24, 2004

Editing and more birthday wishes

Ok nothing much. Now on my off....bought a couple of DVDs and will now comence on trying to spice up my blog. So far nothing much.

will see how far my IT Skills have fallen. including all speelling, grammmar and vocab errors included....

Too 1 of my "daughters"....

Felicia Lee aka Wolfy Birthday 28th Sept.

HAPPY Birthday!!!!!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Camp Birthday!!!

OK Camp Anniversery. 17th of Sept.

Die Lah....

Before must do sai kang later after everything must do sai kang.
I shall refer to them as the "before saikang" and the "after sai kang"......

Alright lah on the day itself. Got play games got gooood foooood.......sluuurrrrpppppp....

Rain the whole day while the games were on but never mind. We all FIT(fat)...RUn around the whole day so quite warm but overall quite enjoyable cause everyone was having fun which was the whole purpose. : )

Note: Now reverting to very simple idiot langauge. :)

Friday, September 10, 2004

Abit on News global and local

Ok Let's see my take on some of the news around the world.

SARS seems to have reared its ugly head again but hey various countries ain't publishing it much and are probably keeping it under wraps but hey who wouldn't??? Not much sense in inciting panic I say.

Terrorists storm and takes school hostage? That's is probably the sickest thing in my opinion. Religion fine. Religious war (jihad) is another thing. Taking innocent children hostage to prove a point? Oh come on. This is where things like that happen to give religion a bad name not that I'm particularly very religious myself but these people were too much. I saw the pictures and read the news report on it. Disgusted is probably mild to say the least. To all those terrorists out there and if u guys ever read this. Well F*** You!!!!!!!!!!
On a side note to provide maybe some sick sense of fun, there could be a school holiday cause "my school got taken over" excuse will work here. No offense intended.

Bird Flu. Excuse me here we go again. Dead Chickens, More Dead Chickens and none of them got a MC.......Eggs prices are up going up higher and faster than a speeding bullet. The prices are able to leap over tall mountains in a single bound. Yeah I know It's an exaggeration. So Would fast food like KFC take losses from this dastardly and insidious disease? Would Long John Sliver now be able to prove that fish is good. (I do like LJS).. Kudos to the government though for keeping this stuff under control.

Brunei Prince got hitched. Duh...I am in Brunei.......... It's a holiday here and things are pretty lively judging from the live coverage. I only managed to watch about 10 minutes of it though. LOL.

Baby Bonus.....Can't say I'm that interested but when u see the moolah that could roll in maybe you's think differently too. Who knows what others might think but hey it's a good scheme and with other perks such as longer maternity leave it could translate into big payoffs for budding parents in fast-paced Singapore. Any parents wan discuss this? I'm not reali too well versed LOL. Just crapping my way through.

*Note that the news may seems outdated and maybe a little far off when it was reported. Therefore I declare that And any errors made not in context is mine and that I did not get the luxurious chance of sitting down and reading them cause it's damm busy time here and there's only so much newspaper for sooooooooo many people. *

Oh yeah I got a sudden interest in the New Paper Face competition. Come on I'm a guy after all......If i started looking a guys..Something is definitely wrong somewhere. :)
The above URL is for my 'Daughter' who also has a blog...When time permits I'd probably set in the links and do up my blog abit. Seems that things are getting more and my blog seems lacking. LOL
THis one LOL is priceless. Not many people would have the guts to post everything including their utmost thoughts on a subject but this gal's got it. Sure she's got hate mail but hey she's got admirers too. She's seems a bitch but I dun think so I'd say she's got guts and a very open mind on what's the dos and don'ts. She stretches that boundaries..Talk about testing waters. Oh yeah I saw one of her pics and one of her friends was in TPGE, a guitar club, with me the most horrible player u could imagine. :P So it's a small world LOL. Last I heard she was going on TV including a newspaper report on her that's how I came to know about this unlikely celebrity.
Read her blog for a refreshing outlook sometimes.

Kudos till next time.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Outfield Mayhem

Alright I apologies for not updating my blog for so long but hey due to my position as a station IC.. .........
I dun have much of a choice. For this time I was outfield for about a month with allowance for me to back to camp to take a shower or simply refresh myself, twice.
Yes I tell ya Twice.
No particular reason other than that there weren't many people left to replace me for the night. I'd emphasize more on the manpower shortage later.

Side Issue:
Now there's 14 guys on my platoon but because u have;
some that are on official duties,
some that are on leave,
some who simply cannot be touched or never around when u need them, only to amazingly appear when most of the work done. (A skill worth learning)

So it sux when u are the remaining sum that gets called on to do some work known as maintenance. Yuck is all I can say...................

Back to the so-called main issues.

Now It's crazy but staying outfield so long could do something to one's brain. In a way I'm declaring myself partially insane if not fully and if I've haven't declared it yet. The outdoors are wonderful with sights of the various insects I saw during this wonderful time. Spiders, millipedes, butterflies, moths, the commonly red/black ants and of course the superb insect muscial symphony comprising of cicadas(not sure if it's true), crickets, frogs(not an insect I know) and some f****** monkeys............

Ok So it's not exactly an insect symphony but I'm calling it that so there. :P

Music aside. My close association with Murphy's law proved pretty much consistent with the generator dying on me twice forcing an emergency transfer...Alright it's not an emergency but I had to call camp to get me a new one so to me it was an emergency.
Next THE Damm tent was leaking...Now How did I discover it? Well It rained heavily and I found water dropping on my head isn't particularly pleasant when U're trying to sleep...And no replacement of the accursed foul tent I endured for the whole month...Thank god it didn't exactly rained everyday...Note I said not exactly.... Well mostly........... :(

A good thing is that there's isn't anyone to bother u when u outside but to much of a good thing is bad. The boredom that sets in becomes almost unbearable at times and one starts learning as many games as one can with a pack of cards...Do not scoff the humble pack of cards swiped from our fantastic SIA with the pretty packaging. It proved to be a boon companion on my boring days which is pretty much everyday. LOL

This may be my longest and maybe incredibly boring post filled with and amazing assortment of possible spelling, punctuation, grammar, verb or whatever mistakes u can spot.

Oh yeah notice the time? I'm on guard duty again.......... Will post a new one later......

This time on maybe local news. :)

Wednesday, September 01, 2004


Hmmm what can I say? I got promoted to Corporal but it may not be a good thing ....Why??? Cause now it means I can be a guard commander which can also equate to more guard duty. Life sure is good..........When I got it? Well With effect from 010904 but hey nobody's impressed. Least of all me

Next Up.....

Happy Birthday to Fong Xiang Ting 2nd Sept 1982
My childhood friend which I haven't seen for a damm long time. LOL
Not that she's ever gonna stumble on this. :) Makes me wonder why do I bother proclaiming birthday wishes for some people knowing chances are high that they may never read it.
ahh screw it. After all WHO CARES???????????? It's MY STINKING BLOG!!!!!!!

Hmm will run thru again..........I mean with more news and not physical running. U damm NUMBSKULL?>!

Note: Written and posted 090904 but indicated as a 010904 post. ;P