Thursday, September 09, 2004

Outfield Mayhem

Alright I apologies for not updating my blog for so long but hey due to my position as a station IC.. .........
I dun have much of a choice. For this time I was outfield for about a month with allowance for me to back to camp to take a shower or simply refresh myself, twice.
Yes I tell ya Twice.
No particular reason other than that there weren't many people left to replace me for the night. I'd emphasize more on the manpower shortage later.

Side Issue:
Now there's 14 guys on my platoon but because u have;
some that are on official duties,
some that are on leave,
some who simply cannot be touched or never around when u need them, only to amazingly appear when most of the work done. (A skill worth learning)

So it sux when u are the remaining sum that gets called on to do some work known as maintenance. Yuck is all I can say...................

Back to the so-called main issues.

Now It's crazy but staying outfield so long could do something to one's brain. In a way I'm declaring myself partially insane if not fully and if I've haven't declared it yet. The outdoors are wonderful with sights of the various insects I saw during this wonderful time. Spiders, millipedes, butterflies, moths, the commonly red/black ants and of course the superb insect muscial symphony comprising of cicadas(not sure if it's true), crickets, frogs(not an insect I know) and some f****** monkeys............

Ok So it's not exactly an insect symphony but I'm calling it that so there. :P

Music aside. My close association with Murphy's law proved pretty much consistent with the generator dying on me twice forcing an emergency transfer...Alright it's not an emergency but I had to call camp to get me a new one so to me it was an emergency.
Next THE Damm tent was leaking...Now How did I discover it? Well It rained heavily and I found water dropping on my head isn't particularly pleasant when U're trying to sleep...And no replacement of the accursed foul tent I endured for the whole month...Thank god it didn't exactly rained everyday...Note I said not exactly.... Well mostly........... :(

A good thing is that there's isn't anyone to bother u when u outside but to much of a good thing is bad. The boredom that sets in becomes almost unbearable at times and one starts learning as many games as one can with a pack of cards...Do not scoff the humble pack of cards swiped from our fantastic SIA with the pretty packaging. It proved to be a boon companion on my boring days which is pretty much everyday. LOL

This may be my longest and maybe incredibly boring post filled with and amazing assortment of possible spelling, punctuation, grammar, verb or whatever mistakes u can spot.

Oh yeah notice the time? I'm on guard duty again.......... Will post a new one later......

This time on maybe local news. :)


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