Friday, October 08, 2004

23th, 24th & 25th September

Now why the title one might wonder.
Well it's simple.
I haven't updated my blog since a long time and also those days were my off last month.
Also I might go on a short blitz of mindless blogging.

Now what just did I do on those above mentioned days?

Try nearly 50Hrs of LAN Gaming. 50 Damm Solid Hours of Warcraft 3 and other short LAN games but mostly warcraft 3.

Insane yes but fun. Also I dun think I can bear to go another round on that again. It's fun when you game with people you can converse with and who share the same interests, this is when an off becomes absolutely fun and can tend to go to the extremes.

Next I went on a positive shopping blitz of buying DVDs & VCDs. All just so I could relax and rot watching them. Can't imagine that I blew about 60 odd bucks buying a couple of movies and series. Shiok I must say. Rotting like one heck of a fatso is quite a unique experience I must say.

Take note Eye drops are required. Bottles of water recommended. You have being warned LOL

Of course I'm writing this on my next off day though I won't be spending 2 days out on this one. The call to laziness is calling me and the calling is too strong for me to enjoy. Yeah I'm a slacker. Loving every minute of it until the next call to work. (The call most try to ignore or avoid).

Picking up on the camp anecdotes It seems there an unwritten game about the pesky kamikaze insects known as cicadas.
Next up is the mostly lovable cicada games presented to you by yours truly:

Black scorpion
Big Black Hairy Spider
Rhino Beetle
Stag Beetle
Red Centipede
Praying Mantis
Lighter and Insecticide Spray can

Main Star;

Match 1:
Black scorpion Vs Cicada

Cicada thrown on Black scorpion. Claws stretched out. Stinger extended. Stinger jabbed repeatly into Cicada. Takes aprox a few minutes to die.

Match 2:
Big Hairy Spider Vs Cicada

Cicada seen flying straight into web with afore-mentioned occupant. Said Occupant pounces and Cicada is dead. Said occupant also lost most of its web, says eye witness claiming about 78% web gone.

Match 3:
Rhino Beetle Vs Cicada

Enraged Rhino Beetle prodded onto a unsuspecting Cicada. Horns protuding from its head, it catches cicada in a vise-like grip and snaps Cicada into 2 pieces. No struggle.

Match 4:
Stag Beetle Vs Cicada

Almost same result as previous match-up only difference is the cicada knocked the peace-loving beetle off its branch and said beetle tore up the offender. Scene caught on Film.

Match 5:
Red Centipede Vs Cicada

Both parties ignored each other until the cicada decided to land and take off infront of the red 'terror'. The red centipede ignoring the fact that Cicada is 3 times bigger than the puny length it has showed that its venom is anything but puny. Said Cicada died in pain so said eye-witness.

Match 6:
Praying Mantis Vs Cicada

From Reports given, Cicada spotted landing on a branch and having its head torn off in a blink of an eye. Praying mantis was hiding among the leaves and maybe was praying for its next luckless meal. Gruesome
Predator anyone? Insect version?

Match 7:
Snake Vs Cicada

One NSF encountered 01x bad tempered snake but was saved by a heroic cicada which skybombed the snake. The Flying hero unfortunately did not survived its flight.
Jaws Opened, Lunged, Dead cicada.
NSF? He ran of course..................What you expected him to stick around?????

Match 8:
Lighter & Insecticide Spray Can Vs Cicada

Another NSF, a cook, who has decided to declare war on the Cicadas. See one Spray one.
Modus? Spray can and Lighter makes a nice mini Flame thrower. Instant roast Cicada anyone???

Whoo Plenty Colours.......Swoon............


Blogger |ce Pr|ncess said...

poor cicadas!!! mother, u r cruel.. =X

2:13 PM  

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