Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Something with nothing

Angels East Angels West
No Matter Where, nevertheless
Angels always guard thy(your) rest
From a place so far
I look upon a star
A feeling is shared and pondered
When it's unveiled, it's a wonder

Just a simple snippet I remembered from a movie and something I thought out but never completed so I thought I'd just combined them together. Anyway nothing particularly of note happened other than getting a chance to ride in a chopper to go and help clear a landing site. Simple maintenance stuff.

Anyway I thought I was doing GUard duty today. Turns out I wasn't needed cause Someone else was doing Extra so I was rendered un needed. Ouch. Not for me but for the guy doing the extra. Sway...................

Also Too all my friends reading this, Spread this around if u feel like it. Also Keep in contact...I may not be around to instantly answer but I am contactable via mail, MSN or ICQ..... Kudos to ya all......

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Off and nothing abt it

HA HA HA. I'm off now. $1 LAN gaming and all that food out there here I come!!

LAN gaming as I mentioned earlier is pretty cheap with the going rate as $1/hr and $0.50 for 1/2hr or less. Good eh? Not to say the rate is the same for both surfing and gaming.

Now food is good and what do ya noe? The simple foodcourt located in the departmental stall serves u with their own personal staff. How's dat for service? Clothes, shoes, jewellery and cinema shows are at veri good prices which leads me to the conclusion that indeed spending once u're out there is veri normal inclusive of spending your entire allowance in a day. Dun forget the wide wide range of VCDs and DVDs avaliable that one cannot find in Singapore anymore. These long forgotten shows are like DragonballZZ, Gundam, Old Ultraman Series, Fist of the North Star and many more are going for a good price which is not too high for the pocket unless one goes overboard. Not to say there are the newer animes and moves out here. Not bad.

Oh yeah even though it's my off, I got one grumption because I'm asked to bring back a fax machine. Oh yeah Fun eh? Anyway well someone's got to do it if u look on the optimistic side of things. yeah right. Just do lor. Heck see what comes up the next time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

A Dull week

Well now here I am again. hell it seems to be a pretty sad week for me this time.
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
Guard Duty
You get the idea?
2: I don't seee any of my usual friends online when i go online, even those not serving in the army I wonder y. Even my calls rare that they are, ain't goin thru. Am i in some time zone where I dun exist or maybe all my friends just up and left.
Yep I'm getting paranoid. lol. Man This feels alot like captivity and it's not helped when sometimes the Guard commander is a total jerk. Maybe it's me but now i feel perhaps, depressed, a stage i think comes about when one finds oneself stuck in an area and with no recourse to go anywhere else. Even actions in camp is pretty limited and I find myself wishing sometimes that I could be some place else. Pretty sad ah?

I could say more on the life in Brunei in another, i think repettive and boring, chapter of unremarkable comments and thoughts in the next post maybe? I'm feeling slightly drained and have neither the mood nor energy to write anymore.......TIll next time.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Mountain Biang

Sungei Biang or Just Mount Biang. The Highest Mountain MOuntain in Brunei at about 1100+m above sea level.
Impressive eh? Well I got to climb it..... Poor Unconditioned me.

On the 7th, July 2004, I started on my excerise but I only started on Biang on 8th, July 2004.
I flew in on a helicopter to the foot of that Mountain and that's where it all began. An adventure for me.

Actually Mt. Biang wasn't that bad, I was doing pretty good until I came upon the 'Stairways to heaven'. It
truely was a stairways to heaven where the physically unfit would have problems going up.It is in esscence a series of roughly hewn stone on a very steep face of the mountain simply described. Now along the way,
I saw many plants and animals one normally wouldn't see in Singapore.
Insects made up alot of the animals catergory but the closest encounter I had was when I inadverntly was unaware of a viper just beside my heel behind me. I escaped unscathed fortunately.
Along up the trail I heard Wild Maquees Monkeys and also I saw the famed "Tong Kat Ali",
a plant reputed to be Nature's Viagra. Truely for the conditioned Biang isn't a problem but when I went up I was unfortunately not very physically well conditioned but hey I came up and I came back down and to me that's an achievement well worth the effort. Of course count in the fact I may be going back up a few more times. :)...:(

Till then wait for more news........

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Some things about what I'm doing now

Hmm. Let's see, currently I"m in Brunei on my overseas postings which I volunteered.I'm serving my National Service (NS).

Now Seriously Brunei isn't such a bad place baring of course certain things. Things like there isn't much of a night life to speak of, life is pretty much quiet and slow.
Now all things considered there are some things which is very different from my home of Sunny Singapore.
For one thing, there is a transport known as water taxi which is a heck of faster than the convectional transport. They use the expressways of water along the rivers to transport goods, people and also items of import and export. One thing here is that the bus services and the water taxis are closed off at 1630, meaning not running, and that the taxis here go by a quotatation system. All in all it's pretty fine here.

Here next is the people around here. Well there are the Ibans and typically there are things associated with them that can be found here such as their long house which is really loooong.... Now overall the peoiple are pretty much decent and friendly but then again compared to Sunny Singapore there are things to note.
One here the peolpe are typical of the 'Kampung life' unlike the Singoprean style of life which exposes unpleasant facts of life. Here the people do take care of themselves and their neighbours : Note I'm stressing the word neighbours here. sometimes the closest neighbours to be found is about 3-7 km away. Not that it's all bad considering that due to my limited stay in Brunei I noticed that well almost everyone owns a car. Some Own Boats........
Maybe it's me but there seems to lack a certain togetherness here? Well when I go back for my home leave, I'll just find out. Certainly my eyes have indeed being opened although maybe not tha tmuch but be assured they have being opened.

Oh yeah LAN shops cost $1 to surf/game. Preety cool and probabely a consolation of sorts. Will describe the Mountain next............

Abit on Myself. An intro.........

NOthing other than I have the usual Appendages associated with being a normal human being. Make that One ugly, quiet, uncharistimatic and overall nothing particularly outstanding.

Hell I like reading, sports and possiblity almost anything that catches my fancy at that time, maybe due to a short attention span. I currently enjoy a good game of table top gaming known as Warhammer.I play a Chaos Army of Nurgle and man is it difficult to play it. It is my hope though to include just about every aspect of chaos in my army. It's expensive but i'm in no hurry.

Got a Diploma in ICP but i realise I wanted to try something new, maybe it's something i couldn't resist or that I may have wasted about 3 of my life studying something I'm not interested but i know it's not true now. Just wanted to gain knowledge in an entirely different area.

But enough on this intro. Let's get the rest of this done and up. in a way............Let's Dance.