Friday, December 31, 2004

Last Duty of the year. Missies and hits. Yeah right.

What can I say about today? I pulled for guard duty today. Therefore I’m doing the last duty of the year. Whoo Hoo!!!!!! Siao Boh. Yah lor. Of course considering I could have pulled for the 25th of the month which is Christmas as well as New Year Eve. Then again Another signaler, Paul, also known as 16-parang (si liu parang dao), helped me to do. Then again I got hit by news that I’ll might be doing the New Year’s Guard Duty as well…….. Oh My GOD !!!! Last duty of Year 2004 and First Duty of Year 2005 Steady lah. Cannot make it lah. Never Mind. On the day I knew which was today, I resolved to make a new resolution….HA HA HA HA HA. Will mention on the new year .

Time: 23:58:45

Siao Lah . Got timing one ok. Can wait and time this later transfer online. Cannot ah. Net here sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slowwwwwwww.

Time: 23:59:23

Oh yeah don’t forget.
Happy Birthday to Charlene for today is her birthday………..
(insert evil snicker) gonna be over…………HAHAHHHAHAH
Can get ready for countdown lah.

Time: 23:59:50


Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 24, 2004

A Sai Kang Welcome

OK this one is a combined blog to make things easier on me.

Well it’s being some while but I’ve being busy. The flight that brought me back to dreary old jolly Brunei was Royal Brunei Airlines and the truth to say after having sat Singapore Airlines is, they ,to be politically correct, not as high a standard as the latter. Service delivered by the pleasant air crew and the menu of the food isn’t so bad but hey to compare with my experience on Singapore Airlines, I’d say that SIA is better. Then again I’m not the one to buy the air tickets as the trip back was paid by SAF, it could be worse……..I could be flying in a C-130 back to Brunei. Ahhh found my flight and some of my camp mates I’d be going back with.. Seems like it’s time to say goodbye to Changi Airport and thus Singapore. Goodbye home.

Back in Brunei, I found myself missing my friends but to be ruthless I had to quash it down reminding myself I could come back again after 3 months. I could not be distracted lest dwelling too long on it would not be beneficial. Of course reminiscing after a while couldn’t hurt. I did enjoy my brief leave back in Sunny Singapore and the fun I had while there but I had to prepare myself back for work and boy did work come my way.

Therein lies the title, no sooner did I get back to my ‘lovable’ camp then was I literally bombarded with some request to do up some charts for my station. Job? Quite Simple actually Just make it presentable. Unfortunately it was more than that as I ended redoing it lol. This was to make sire that the whole thing would actually be according to a superiors’ satisfaction. The whole thing put a test on my patience as I didn’t really have any talent at the Arts & Craft since I failed the subject when young. Some people are good at some things while they are just as bad at others. I’m no exception. Art is one of my Bane.

Work aside, I set myself to doing some tasks. Namely buying of gifts for my family and friends whom I had quite abit of doing since I think their different gifts lay in different areas. Also abit of correspondences was in order. Hmmm THINK about it.. heh heh.

Sigh my close association with Murphy’s Law strikes again. During my guard duty and I was the Guard Commander, I had some things to deal with, namely one drunk guard and a guard who fell asleep on duty. The resulting issues that arose was very irritating to say the least but it was all relatively light on me other than not able to get a decent sleep for a short while. I can only hope that the others gets off lightly. Also it was during this time that I decided to submit an application to extend my tour in Brunei. It’s now a matter of time to fill it up, submit and await the results. I believe I would not regret it but I’m being told some people do change their minds. The truth is I wish to earn more cash to prepare for further studies and also because I do not have any emotional anchors or any other distractions so I believe I will not have any problems.

I do not think I have anything much to say for this date simply because I’m writing this in advance and I hoped to make it simple. I’m on official duty and I’m just gonna do it and not anything else excepts get a few groceries. Yeah I’m just wing it. lol

Monday, December 20, 2004

Birthday Wishes!!! December Babies

Birthday greetings again and they are(drum roll)... :

It is Daphnie Chong's birthday on Wednesday December 22nd. Daphnie will be 21 years old.

It is Tan Chin Ping's birthday on Friday December 17th. Tan will be 22 years old.

It is Dorene Tan's birthday on Wednesday December 29th. Dorene will be 19 years old.

December A month to remember……………………………At least for this round

Woah it’s a long time since I updated my blog much less came online. It’s been a sort of a hectic Frame. The work is still the same but a lot of things seem to be wrong or it can be said ‘cork up’ ß nice way of putting it. There’s been bad news and good news and typically I got to hear all the bad news and it wasn’t directed at me. Dun care lah huh?

Good News My allowance has being confirmed to be increased with effect from January 2005 and that’s about 200 bucks more give or take. Easier to save I hope. See how lah.

Maybe Christmas mood so maybe now can blog bulls*** all over the blog. Funny thing is I got called u to help in something because I was supposedly known as the fastest fingers on the keyboard in camp…..LOL…..I need more MIRC, MSN, ICQ, etc for more practice. That is my verdict. That done I’ve being feeling bored or restless lately and I wonder why. Another talking or thinking of rubbish perhaps. Dun care lah. Rebellious mood lately….Repressed emotions welling up? Repress it some more. Good solution.

Damm Happy can go for my off and looking to get my mum perhaps a present and then send it via post.. Also intend to go try out this massage parlor I heard so much about since my arrival in Brunei.. Oh well until my next update perhaps. I dun have much to update lately. Just came back recently from outfield and that could be the reason. Feels funny like I’m missing something.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

IPPT Worries

Lol, looks like spending too much time eating while back in Singapore is taking its toll on me. I failed Ippt and I did it pretty badly too. I failed spectacularly so as to speak so it means just one thing. It’s time to go back to the pain of training again. It’s true that it’s easier to keep in shape then to get into shape and boy do I need it. I know what I have to do but boy I wince at the things I know I have to do. Oh well Time to get to know the pain again.

Woah Good news for the guard duty side. There’s a lot of changes and none of it is good for the guards. Lol. Die already lah. Guard duty coupled with duty is bad, it gets worse when there are people going back on their leave, annual/home/bonus/indulgence or something or the other. It means those remaining cover the duty left vacant and boy do I see it. I see myself doing guard duty on the 25th of this month. Sigh Murphy’s Law I suppose but then again I can live with it, still suxs though.

Outfield again and with the normal some what screw up plan changing system we have gotten to know intimately well and more or less expect. Well it happened again but I have got to admit things now seem more fun then it used to be the last time or could it be gotten used to it already. Siao Liao!!! I have gone psycho. Must be out of the utter stress of boredom and it has gotten to me. Oh yeah Better stop ranting and get back to slacking as usual. Not………………………………………

Monday, December 06, 2004

A little Something

There are times when you just wonder and wonder just what brought you this far to this point of time. Sometimes looking back one starts to reevaluate his/her own opinion as versus the opinion one is holding on at that time. To weigh the finer points of choices against each other. To measure the pros and the cons. Deciding own what it’s gonna be and deciding to stick with it based on what your knowledge is based on as compared to suddenly this flashback in time. What’s it gonna be? Was it a good decision or was it bad………

Thinking back on this I’m reminded of the words my previous BSO (Battalion Signal Officer) from my parent unit once said: “I’ve may not have made the right decision or choice all the time but I’ve lived with it.” It is this words that I now must bring to bear. Now I’ve spent 6 months in Brunei and what have I come out from it. Have I matured, Gained new perspective, a shorter temperament or wisdom? The truth is I’m finding it hard that I changed in some ways to acknowledge I cannot regain.

Never again would I be so trusting, I would always harbor suspicions on others intentions. So too gone is my readiness to joke. Laughter seems to come hard for me. Too hard in fact……….. I’m being emptied like a pitcher except the pitcher is not seeing much use and it’s cracked. There’s something leaking, something being lost, something so intangible yet so precious and it’s being lost, little by little, bit by bit. I do not know what it is but I’m feeling an emptiness I’ve never felt so keenly before.

Could it be because I’m feeling homesick? I just came back from Sweet Singapore, hard to say or to strike it off. Missing someone? I don’t have anyone to miss other than my immediate family and that because I make it a point to call at least once a month. Friends? Same thing I call at least one each month and though they’re all different at least I get to hear what’s what in Singapore. Maybe it’s just a small phrase and I’ve get over it. I’ll see how things go.

It’s quiet here in Brunei and peaceful. Other than the times the call of ‘Sai Kang’, thereisn’t much to give grief over. Work is work even when one is assigned outfield for many days but it isn’t that hard because there’s the rhythm for it. There are new changes in camp namely the handing over and taking over of LSM. Now is to see just how ‘garang’ the new LSM is compared to the old one and whether would there be any drastic changes to the way the camp is to be runned. Previously we had to go out in the field to make changes to the checkpoints. I seriously do not want to go through that again, it could have killed me or so I felt. I’m definitely not in shape to go traipsing over all the jungles of Brunei and that brings me to another point. I’m told I have to take my IPPT but I already know I have a serious problem in that department. Yes sadly I’m as unfit as a pig….no scrap that, the pig is fitter than me. I have cause to be worried simply as my application for extension of tour here in Brunei is kinda dependant on my passing it, at least I’ve being told that.

Lol I gave a treat to some people recently and today to some of my guards. Yes I’m on guard duty again. No big deal. Funny thing is that the number of people seems to be the same but due to some problems, namely that some of the new arrivals cannot do guard duty because of some reason or something, the guards are doing repeated duties. That really sucks…Big time man. Not that Guard duty is bad but it gets very tiring to keep doing it over and over again especially when you have commitments somewhere else. Hmm abit jagged, signing off. Cya.